Disciplinary Code
- A part from the holidays and special circumstances declared by the school, no leave will be given to the students.
- PTM will be organized as per annual plan. It is mandatory for the guardian to be present in PTM.
- It is mandatory to deposit the fee at the prescribed time, penalty will be payable for late deposition. Board Examination fee and Enrollment fee will be payable separately.
- All the activities of the school are organized aiming continuous and holistic development of the student. Co-operation is expected from the parents in every activity.
- Only keypad mobile is allowed to students for the communication with parents as scheduled and set by school.
- Cash, ornaments, smart watch, android mobile, fast food and other expensive things are not allowed.
- It is mandatory for each and every student to follow the rules set by the institution.
- Condemning of rules and regulations by any student will be subject to "Action against indiscipline" and he may also be rusticated from the Institute.